Senin, 16 Mei 2011


Hai Mei. Hai 2011. Lama gak jumpaaa hahaha.

Mencintai kamu seperti dilebihkan waktu. Setiap hari bertambah rasaku♥

Love is when you're falling in love everyday with same person.

Sampai saat ini rasaku bertahan di sini, rasa yang tak akan hilang oleh waktu♥

Kau tidak di sini, akupun tiada di hatimu........................................yihaaa

Don't love someone because of what/how/who they are. From now on, start loving someone because you want to.

My heart was locked. And he is the only who has the key. Still is♥

If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go.

Sudah ah numpang galaunya mihihi

Sekedar info nih ya. Gue-Lagi-SARIAWAN. Sekian


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